Positive Thinking in Difficult Times

It is rather easier to feel positive when everything goes well, but real positive thinking is revealed when you can maintain it difficult times. It is then that you need it most. 
In difficult times, when there are problems and the economic condition is tough, it is so easy to get into negative thinking and self-pity, and be sucked into a vicious circle of worries, fears and the expectation of more problems, lack of money or poverty.
You may read books and articles on positive thinking, and believe that you are positive, but when difficulties and rough times appear, you just forget everything and focus on the problems and difficulties, instead of believing in yourself, looking for solutions and seeking and seizing opportunities.
If you have no job, no money and the future looks bleak you might:
  • Indulge in self-pity and feel bad and helpless.
  • Indulge in worries and fears and expect more problems.
  • Become resentful and angry at the world and at successful people.
  • Be sad and focus on your problems.
Does this attitude help you in anything? No, it will only get you deeper into problems, because when you see and expect problems you create more problems. This is where positive thinking and positive attitude are required. It is true, it is not so easy to reject negative thinking in such circumstances, and even if you try, you might find yourself again and again reverting to negative thinking and dwelling on your problems.
If you have lost your way in a forest, will thoughts about your predicament help you? If you just sit down on a rock, and think and imagine that you will never find your way out help you in any way?
If you have failed, lost money or your job, will thinking how bad your condition is help you find a new job or earn money?
Wherever you are now, whatever your situation is, there is always a way out. This might require a different way of thinking, a different approach or developing new skills. Forget the past, as you cannot change it, but you can change your present, and when you change your present, you also change your future.
Keeping a positive attitude, expecting the best, striving to do the best and refusing to indulge in self-pity, negative thinking and worries is the road to a better and happier life.

 Books by Remez Sasson
Peace of Mind in Daily Life

Peace of Mind in Daily LifeEnjoy a state of inner peace in your everyday life, at work, at home, and everywhere.

Learn how to gain mental mastery, peace of mind, happiness, and freedom from worries.

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Emotional Detachment

Emotional Detachment For a better LifeDevelop emotional detachment, and enjoy inner balance and peace in your life.

Stop taking everything personally and getting upset by what people say and do.

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Willpower and Self Discipline

Willpower and Self DisciplineExercises and guidance for strengthening your willpower and gaining self discipline.

Increase assertiveness and perseverance, and overcome laziness and procrastination.

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Visualize and Achieve

Visualize and AchieveLearn how to use the powers of your mind and imagination to shape your life and achieve dreams and goals.

Full guidance for using creative visualization and the law of attraction.

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1 comment:

  1. Love all the reads...very inspiring and puts a :) on and gives me hope ...new ideas...and motivation when times are most difficult.
