Positive Thinking: 5 Simple Ways to Improve a Bad Day.

Having a lousy morning or afternoon? Things not going as you planned? Not to worry, a few lousy hour can't ruin the entire day if you don't allow it. The rest of your can turn out to be one of the best you have had of recent. Here are some simple steps to help you.

1. Get a sense of proportion.

One of the best phrase to always remember is "This too shall pass" Unless something life-changing has happened (like the death of a loved one), chances are that in two weeks, you'll have forgotten completely about whatever it was that has your shorts in a twist today. Take your mind of the immediate disturbance and focus on the big picture.

2. Remember that the past does not equal the future.

One way to ruin a good day is to keep replaying yesterday's failure. Your future is bright, nothing in your past can be compared to your future. It's a clean sheet that you can write whatsoever you want. So don't use your yesterday's failure to measure your future.

3. Stop confessing "it's a bad day".

If you believe the rest of your day will be as challenging as what's already happened, then rest assured: You'll end up doing something (or saying) something that will make sure that your prediction comes true.

4. Focus on what's going well.

Not everything is going wrong right now, there are dozen of things going right. Take your mind of what isn't going right and focus on what is working. Make a list of the good things in your life and read them over and over again.

5. Expect something wonderful to happen.

Just as an attitude of doom and gloom makes you see more problems, facing the future with a sense of wonder makes you alive to all sorts of wonderful things that are going on, right now, everywhere around you.

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