Stop Lugging The Past Now, Time For A New You!

Of course, we all made some mistakes in our past and if you remember them, it can be painful, regretful or even embarrassing. 

Just like your bag, if you keep opening up your past mistakes and carry it with here and there, what will you see? Usually, a barrage of sad or bad memories keep creeping up on you. Instead of hoping for a new you, You can't seem to move on and enjoy the present.  
You keep holding on to a bag filled with past errors, you always seem to say, "Oh my, what a mess I've done in my life!" Then, some other days again, you still keep on lugging that bag of pasts with you and repeatedly opening it again and again and you sigh; rehashing the same mistakes again for the nth time. 


And then you wonder why you can't move forward and nothing's happening well in your life!
But why not try to empty that baggage out and went over the heaps? Rather than your usual assumptions and judgments, you may be relieved to discover some solutions, life's lessons, and forgiveness.

You see my friends, cursing yourself for your past transgressions won't do you any good. Be glad that you've come this far and realized that you're way past those episodes in your life. At least you've come to terms with yourself that past is past and now it's time for a new you! The new you have that realization to learn and get over those past hurts and mistakes!
You are now in the present and you still have a future ahead of you. 

So instead of lugging that emotional baggage that you have, forgive the past and enjoy the new you!

The author of this article, Amy Twain, is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently published a highly successful home study course on how to boost your Self Esteem. Learn more about this Quick-Action Plan and have a Fabulous Self Esteem

1 comment:

  1. Why does there have to be something wrong with my self Esteem because I have emotional baggage. I think that is crap.
